Applying to Colleges With High Acceptance Rates
Applying to college doesn't have to be a stressful experience. Some of the best schools in America have acceptance rates of 90 percent or more.
Applying to college is often depicted as an ultra-competitive, nerve-wracking process. It certainly can be, with many top schools accepting just five percent of all applicants. But there are colleges with high acceptance rates, and many of them are excellent schools with beautiful campuses and top quality instructors and facilities. There are several reasons why someone might consider applying to a school with an acceptance rate of 90 percent or higher. Let's go over those reasons, then look at some quality schools with high acceptance rates.
You're Not a Perfect Candidate
If you struggled with grades in high school, didn't add enough extracurricular activities to make yourself stand out, or don't feel confident in your essay writing skills, you might think you have no chance of getting accepted into college. Or maybe you're worried that you can only get into small schools that don't offer a good education or lack the programs you're interested in. While the counselors at WeAdmit can help you strengthen your application and set your sights on your perfect-fit school, you can also choose to apply to some highly regarded colleges that accept more than 90 percent of their applicants.
You Want a Safety School You'll Feel Good About
It's always a good idea to aim high and apply to your dream school. But Stanford, for example, only admits four percent of its applicants. Even a great student with top test scores and good essays has no guarantee they'll make the cut. That's why most students apply to safety schools -- a school with a higher acceptance rate that they're confident they'll get into. Knowing which colleges with high acceptance rates are ranked among the best in the nation is valuable knowledge when it comes to picking your safety school.
You Don't Want to Stress About It
The transition from high school to college is filled with stress and uncertainty. Applying to a good school that accepts more than 90 percent of applicants can relieve some of that stress. When you make your list of schools you're interested in, see if any of them have high acceptance rates. You might fall in love with the campus, or find a program you really want to be part of. That could be your perfect-fit school. When the letter arrives in the mail, instead of stress and doubt, you'll just be excited and full of confidence that you got in to a college that fits your future.
The Best Colleges With High Acceptance Rates
Kansas State University -- KSU has a beautiful sprawling campus, competitive sports teams, facilities and programs to rival any other college in the nation, and a vibrant college town feel. The school's acceptance rate of 95.4 percent means you're very likely to find a home there.
University of Kansas -- Maybe you'd rather be a Jayhawk than a Wildcat. The University of Kansas is not far from Big-12 rival KSU, and offers similar opportunities as Kansas State University. The University of Kansas has a larger campus, with a larger student body than KSU. A 93.1 percent acceptance rate makes this a great safety school, or even a perfect first choice.
University of Kentucky -- Most of the schools on this list are public universities with huge enrollments, often with more than 20,000, or even close to 30,000 students. The University of Kentucky is no different. With an endowment of $1.4 billion, UK has quality facilities and an excellent faculty-to-student ratio. It's within driving distance of both Lexington and Nashville, and students can enjoy Southeastern Division sports. All that, and they accept 95.9 percent of all applicants.
Cleveland State University -- If you're looking for a smaller, urban campus for your college experience, Cleveland State University in Ohio could be the place for you. The student body is slightly smaller than the big midwest schools, at "only" 15,000, but the 94 percent acceptance rate means your odds of getting in are good.
Utah State University -- Another of the big public land-grant schools, Utah State has an enrollment of more than 27,000 students on the wide, green Logan, Utah campus. A well-respected research institution with plenty of opportunities for students in a variety of disciplines, this school also offers excellent access to hiking, camping, and mountain climbing. Its acceptance rate is 91 percent.
Whether you want to find a high-quality safety school or take the stress out of college applications, there are some excellent colleges with high acceptance rates. And if you're planning to apply to a more prestigious program, or want to take a shot at your dream school, WeAdmit's team of counselors is ready to create a college application strategy to guide you down the path to your future. Try one of our free counseling sessions to learn more about what WeAdmit can do for you.


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