2021-2022 SAT Score Release Dates
Check WeAdmit’s 2021 and 2022 SAT calendar for a full list of test dates and SAT score release dates.
After all the time you spent studying and practicing for the SATs, you still have to face the stress of waiting for your scores. This is even more stressful if you don't know when the SAT scores are released. WeAdmit's SAT test score calendar will let you know all the SAT score release dates, so there's one less thing for you to worry about.
SAT Preparation and Registration
College Board offers SAT testing on several Saturdays throughout the year. In addition, they offer in-school SATs on school days on four different dates in 2022, allowing lower-income students who might have problems getting to a testing center on Saturdays better access to the test, and ultimately, to college admissions. There's one more Saturday test scheduled in 2021 (December 4), and the earliest 2022 tests are scheduled for March, May, and June. The deadline to register for the SAT is roughly one month prior to the testing date.
Preparation for the SATs is big business, with group tutoring programs costing $1,200 or more, and individual tutors charging hundreds of dollars per hour. However, SAT prep doesn't have to break your budget. College Board offers free SAT prep guides through Khan Academy, and because the SATs have been around so long, there are lots of free SAT resources to be found online. Any student willing to put in the time and effort can significantly improve their SAT scores.
When Are SAT Scores Released?
SAT score release dates are typically two weeks after the test date -- usually, you'll be able to see your scores online 13 days after taking the test. This includes your scores on each part of the test as well as your composite score.
For students who opt to have College Board send their scores directly to colleges (you get four free score reports when you take the SAT), the colleges receive the scores ten days after you get them - roughly 23 days after you take the test. If you order additional score reports later, it will take a week or two for the scores to be processed and released, but college admissions offices have their own schedules for when they access SAT scores, so it might take longer for your scores to show up in your application.
Be aware that, for summer test dates, scores take five weeks to be released. Also, beware of sites that try to offer you ways to get your SAT scores early. College Board used to offer a way to get early SAT scores for a fee, but they no longer allow this.
Check WeAdmit's SAT test calendar to see when you can expect your scores:
The easiest way to access your SAT test scores is by logging in to your College Board account. Scores usually appear in your account at 5 a.m. on the day they are released, but not always, so don't stress if your scores aren't there first thing in the morning. Wait a few hours and your scores will eventually be released.
Get Help With Your SATs
SAT test prep is a crucial part of your college application process. While your grades, extracurriculars, and essays play an important role, test scores still provide a benchmark for admissions officers trying to decide who to admit and who to reject. According to U.S. News, at the most selective schools in the country, SAT scores average 1500 or higher. A score of 1200 or higher can boost your application to the majority of colleges nationwide.
The counselors at WeAdmit will create a customized plan for your college admissions journey, including preparing for the SAT. Try one of our free counseling sessions and find out how WeAdmit can guide you through the college application process and help you find your perfect-fit school.


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